Needham Next-Gen Storage / Networking Conference

Needham Next-Gen Storage / Networking Conference

So, I spent yesterday at the Needham Next-Gen Storage and Networking Conference. First, it was a great day. The Needham folks, especially Richard Kugele, created a fabulous opportunity to listen and speak about the storage market, technology and products. I spent all my time in the storage track, but can only imagine that the networking track was as insightful.

I wanted to point out some of my observations from the conference. I wont… Read more »

Copy Data Management

Copy Data Management

Copy Data Management isn’t about deleting ALL copies of data that you have created from your primary storage. Nor is it about stopping you from making data copies. Some vendors may believe that if they come in and make yet one more ‘golden’ copy of your data, you are set for life. I don’t think this is what customers want. Just like with tape. Many folks say “tape is dead” but that is mostly preached… Read more »

Data Deduplicaiton - What?!

Data Deduplicaiton - What?!

Let me get this straight, I am going to go back to my days of blogging about data deduplication? What?

The reality is that data deduplication is really one of the latest technologies to become commoditized. More and more we are hearing about “Software Defined Infrastructure” or “Software Defined Storage”. This makes sense to me especially when you have the ability to start taking the specialty storage services such as virtualization, thin provisioning, and deduplication… Read more »

The Desired State of IT

The Desired State of IT

Server virtualization has long promised unprecedented economic savings for IT; and, to be fair, there are some area where server virtualization has saved IT some money. However, the alluring promise of “huge” savings has never been realized. Why is that?

Virtualization’s promise has always revolved around better utilization of computing resources:

Lowers hardware costImproves operational expense in deploying / updating servers or instancesReduces floor space requirements while cutting power and cooling requirements

For the last… Read more »

DeDupe 3.0

DeDupe 3.0

At one point during my days at IBM I had the title, Storage Efficiency Evangelist. My role was to help educate folks on the host of storage efficiency technologies that are available to help stem the tide of the data apocalypse.

Technologies such as storage virtualization and thin provisioning help with storage utilization. Tiering technologies help by placing the right data set, on the right storage tier. Data compression and deduplication help to reduce the… Read more »