Data is not the new oil. How did it originally get this moniker? Let's dive in and find out.
Data Unknown Wins a Telly!
Web TV Series Data Unknown Wins a Telly Award
IBM - Enabling Business Transformation
It's time to start storing and managing your data in a way that helps to transform your business and make you more competitive.
Facebook Storage Infrastructure w/o FB IT Costs
In 2012 I did a blog post on Facebook going public. The premise of the piece wasn’t about the fad that surrounds social media or that a social media company was going public, it was that the group of IT practitioners that manage Facebook’s storage infrastructure had deployed something pretty amazing.
In 2009 I quoted a few simple stats:
Facebook had about 1 billion users - remember, each user has a mailbox for messagesUsers were… Read more »Copy Data Management
Copy Data Management isn’t about deleting ALL copies of data that you have created from your primary storage. Nor is it about stopping you from making data copies. Some vendors may believe that if they come in and make yet one more ‘golden’ copy of your data, you are set for life. I don’t think this is what customers want. Just like with tape. Many folks say “tape is dead” but that is mostly preached… Read more »