MDP Vodcast 1010
Why are you still doing SAN-based backup? Do you need to be?
Okay, so maybe I didn’t quite “lose” my job to AWS, but after reading a few articles published in 2014, it became evident how some IT practitioners could be apprehensive about recommending the delivery of a public cloud infrastructure to their companies. It’s a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t decision. Damned if you do, and the benefits of cloud aren’t all they’re chalked up to be; damned if you don’t, and your business opts for the cloud anyhow&hellip… Read more »
Okay, so it is official, Storage Alchemy LLC is off the ground and running. Right now I am helping some folks in the 'next generation' data protection space with messaging and go to market as well as marketing, social and sales enablement. As most of you know, data protection is my forte and am excited to be, once again, working on 'next generation' data protection.
The other project I am working on and am… Read more »