I Lost my Job to AWS

I Lost my Job to AWS

Okay, so maybe I didn’t quite “lose” my job to AWS, but after reading a few articles published in 2014, it became evident how some IT practitioners could be apprehensive about recommending the delivery of a public cloud infrastructure to their companies. It’s a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t decision. Damned if you do, and the benefits of cloud aren’t all they’re chalked up to be; damned if you don’t, and your business opts for the cloud anyhow&hellip… Read more »

The Desired State of IT

The Desired State of IT

Server virtualization has long promised unprecedented economic savings for IT; and, to be fair, there are some area where server virtualization has saved IT some money. However, the alluring promise of “huge” savings has never been realized. Why is that?

Virtualization’s promise has always revolved around better utilization of computing resources:

Lowers hardware costImproves operational expense in deploying / updating servers or instancesReduces floor space requirements while cutting power and cooling requirements

For the last… Read more »