Okay, maybe not the most obvious of acronyms, but our CRAT or cyber resilience assessment tool is helpful in multiple ways.  It can inform clients as to where they may have gaps in their overall environment when it comes to cyber threats and if their data protection environment is ready to help recover in the event of an incident.

The team is joined today by Juan Carlos from IBM, a Client Technical Specialist, working on a number of engagements to help clients.  We decided to get it right from the horses mouth and ask JC how clients are utilizing the CRAT and what they are seeing.

If you would like to have access to this tool - check it out here - https://www.ibm.com/downloads/... and also reach out to your IBM or IBM Business Partner sales rep for more information on how they can help you better understand any gaps in your environment.



cyber assessment, Data Resilience, Backup, Recovery, tricia jiang, sean sperry, randy arseneau, steve kenniston, SpectrumCast, juan carlos jimenez, IBM, Data Protection