Data Unknown is an attempt to speak to people about data the way we speak to people about other important things in our lives. In this Episode Ian Barrett, Creative Director of Mediaboss TV tells us how data is evolving in the media and entertainment industry.
What is Data Unknown?
Data Unknown is an attempt to speak to people about data the way we speak to people about other important things in our lives.
Snowball VFX Keeps the Avalanche Under Control
What a great name, Snowball. And much like information can behave like a "snowball" turning into an "avalanche", Snowball VFX has been able to control the avalanche of data utilizing the IBM Real-time Compression technology. Here in this video customer case study, Yoni Cohen, Founder of Snowball talks about the value of Real-time Compression in his environment.
Additionally, we have captured from all of our Media & Entertainment customers what they think… Read more »